Tyler student earns national award and other stories featuring Temple in the media
Faculty members discuss topics including new marijuana legalization research and how the pandemic has created anxiety about returning to the office.

Former football star Dion Dawkins gives back to the North Philadelphia community while former Temple University President Richard Englert describes President Jason Wingard as his “perfect” successor. In other news, Temple University Hospital was named the most racially inclusive hospital in Pennsylvania.
The U.S. could fall behind Europe in COVID-19 vaccine doses
Europe is beginning to catch up with the U.S. in COVID-19 vaccinations and could soon pass the country, too. Part of this can be attributed to vaccine hesitancy in some parts of the U.S. Enrico Bucci of the Department of Biology estimates that Europe will pass the U.S. within a month. “In the next two to three weeks there might be two different forces pulling Europe in different directions,” Bucci said. “The delta variant could push vaccinations up if it creates fear. At the same time, the attrition rate could increase, pushing the vaccination rate down.”
Wall Street Journal | June 29, 2021
Answers needed as crime rates surge across country
As crime and murder rates increase in several cities, there are differing opinions as to the root cause. In the meantime, the national government has started to focus its efforts on decreasing gun trafficking, but Jerry Ratcliffe, a professor of criminal justice in the College of Liberal Arts, is not sure if that’s the best strategy. “What it’s doing is trying to address the supply, and it’s not doing a thing about the demand. We have a vicious cycle. Guns on the street are fueling shootings, and more shootings are fueling more guns on the street,” he said.
The Atlantic | June 24, 2021
Temple University Hospital named most racially inclusive in state
The Lown Institute, a nonpartisan health care think tank based in Boston, has ranked Temple University Hospital the most racially inclusive hospital in Pennsylvania and the 13th most racially inclusive hospital in the United States.
WHYY | June 21, 2021
Former Temple football star Dion Dawkins gives back
Former Owl and current left tackle for the Buffalo Bills Dion Dawkins joined Temple’s football team to distribute packages of fruits and vegetables to the community during a drive-thru food pantry in June. Dawkins said he hosted the event due to the strong connection that he developed with North Philadelphia. “They don’t have to get out of the car, they don’t have to be seen. They can just come and grab food and go home and keep smiling,” he said.
KYW Newsradio | June 19, 2021
Tyler student earns national award for photography
Isaac Scott, a 30-year-old master’s student at the Tyler School of Art and Architecture, recently received an award from the American Society of Magazine Editors in the category of Feature Photography for his photos of the George Floyd protests in Philadelphia. The photos were published in The New Yorker. “It does feel kind of crazy and weird that my photos got picked out to get this award and be in The New Yorker, because, you know, there’s so many people out there. I’m not exactly sure what separated my photos from the fray,” Scott said.
Philadelphia Magazine | June 16, 2021
Former President Richard Englert describes President Jason Wingard as ‘perfect successor’
Before ending his tenure as Temple University’s 11th president, President Englert chatted with Kennedy Rose of the Philadelphia Business Journal about his legacy. He noted that he wished he helped the university reach even greater heights under his leadership, but he also has full confidence in his successor. “He’s perfect. He’s a perfect next president for us, and he will be able to take us to new heights,” Englert said.
Philadelphia Business Journal | June 15, 2021
Legalizing marijuana leads to fewer worker comp claims
Johanna Catherine Maclean, an associate professor of economics in the College of Liberal Arts, studies the impact of substance use on the labor market. Her recent research outlines how medical and recreational marijuana legalization impacts work productivity by measuring the number of workers’ compensation claims filed. “We saw that nonfatal workplace injuries actually declined following recreational marijuana adoption. So that suggests that people are not getting into problems at work because they’re high,” Maclean said.
Philadelphia Inquirer | June 14, 2021
Despite ingredient shortages, Starbucks remains popular as ever
Starbucks is one of many companies across the globe that has recently dealt with supply chain issues. The problem that Starbucks faces is that customers are not coming there for a simple cup of coffee. They’re after an experience. “Starbucks did something remarkable: taking a really ordinary product, coffee, and remaking it as an identifier of class, of culture, of discernment and of knowledge. Starbucks is a way to communicate something about yourself to other people. While it has become more complicated over time, that drink still says: ‘I deserve a break in my life. I can afford to waste money on coffee,’” said Bryant Simon, a professor of history in the College of Liberal Arts.
New York Times | June 10, 2021
Skepticism surrounds newly approved Alzheimer’s drug
In June, the Food and Drug Administration approved aducanumab, making it the first new drug to be approved for Alzheimer’s disease in nearly two decades. Patients and their families are excited for the new drug, but it has put doctors into a precarious position. “To say that it works right now would be a lie. I need better data for me to be able to say that there’s a potential benefit that outweighs the risks,” said Aroonsiri Sangarlangkarn, a geriatrician and an assistant professor of medicine at the Lewis Katz School of Medicine.
NBC News | June 9, 2021
Returning to the office stirs anxiety among workers
U.S. human resource managers are finding that employees are struggling with returning to work, with 37% of managers saying that most of their workers felt stressed about reopening and 31% saying employees were anxious about it. One reason for that could be because the amygdala, the region of our brain that processes emotions and signals when a potential threat is present, may have been rewired to learn new threats, said Crystal Reeck, an assistant professor in marketing and supply chain management at the Fox School of Business.
Philadelphia Inquirer | June 6, 2021
NFL players like Deshaun Watson should not get second chances
Houston Texans star quarterback Deshaun Watson is one of the most recent athletes to find himself embroiled in scandal. However, to this point, the NFL has not taken action against Watson. Elizabeth Taylor, an assistant professor in the School of Sport, Tourism and Hospitality Management, believes the NFL should adopt a one-and-done policy. “As long as they allow teams to make decisions on their own and create more teamwide policies, it opens up to teams making decisions based on how good a player is,” said Taylor.
Houston Chronicle | June 3, 2021