Temple’s Class of 2010 represents a diverse group with a common bond: steadfast determination and a commitment to succeed. May 13 Commencement exercises at the Liacouras Center, as well as the subsequent ceremonies held by Temple schools and colleges, celebrate the achievements of the largest graduating class in Temple history. Below is a look at the graduates’ statistical attributes.
(All numbers are projections)
Total graduates: 8,215
Earning an undergraduate degree: 5,582
Earning a graduate degree: 1,799
Earning a first-professional degree: 792
Male graduates: 3,796, 46% (2,625 undergraduates)
Female graduates: 4,419, 54% (2,958 undergraduates)
Number of countries represented: 73
Number of states represented: 43 plus Washington, D.C.
Graduates who reported their ethnicity as something other than white: 3,247 (42.9%)
School or college with the most total graduates: Fox School of Business, 1,448
School or college with the most graduates receiving undergraduate degrees: Fox, 1,251
Youngest graduating student (undergraduate): 19 years old
Oldest graduating student (undergraduate): 65 years old
Oldest graduating student (graduate): 67 years old
Shortest time to degree (undergraduate): 9 months
Longest time to degree (undergraduate): 35 years
Graduates who were transfer students (undergraduate only): 2,643 (47%)
Graduates who received some transfer credit (undergraduate only): 3,152 (56%)
Graduates who received financial aid:
Total: 5,801 (70.6%)
Undergraduate: 4,242 (76%)
Graduates who lived on campus: 2,410 (32%)
Graduates who were varsity athletes: 104