New committee keeps the dream alive with additional MLK events
In addition to MLK Day service events on Jan. 18, the university community is invited to participate in a Jan. 21 banner competition, silent march and discussion.
In keeping with the idea of extending the principles of Martin Luther King Jr beyond one holiday, President Ann Weaver Hart has created a standing committee for MLK programming. Its first event is an additional day of celebration to complement the day of service activities scheduled for Jan. 18. On Thursday, Jan. 21, the Office of Residential Life and the MLK Committee will host “Keeping the Dream Alive,” an event designed to foster discussion and reflection of Dr. King and his work. Events begin at 1 p.m. with a banner competition in room 200 of the Gittis Student Center. The entire Temple community is encouraged to participate in the event and design a banner based on the concept of how King’s ideals affect their lives. Winners will receive a trophy and have their banner displayed prominently on campus. More information and a registration form can be found online or by contacting Elizabeth M. Spohr, assistant director for Residential Life, at |
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Following the judging ceremony, faculty, students and staff are invited to join in a silent march that will leave from room 200 and circle the campus. Rounding out the event, at 2:30 p.m., a program about King's life, “Conversations on MLK,” featuring video clips, musical selections, spoken word readings and reflections by students, faculty and staff will be held back in room 200 of the Gittis Student Center. Temple experts in the fields of diversity and inclusion will lead attendees in discussions about topics related to King's legacy as well as some of today's most challenging social issues. |