Posted April 14, 2009

Senator Casey visits Main Campus

Photos by Ryan Brandenberg/Temple University

U.S. Sen. Robert P. Casey Jr. received a tour of Temple’s Main Campus on April 8, led by President Ann Weaver Hart. Among the facilities on the tour was Alter Hall, new home of the Fox School of Business. Sen. Casey later answered questions from students during a town hall session.

Senior Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer Anthony Wagner, Senator Robert P. Casey, Jr. and President Ann Weaver Hart tour Main Campus on April 8, 2009.
While in Philadelphia, the senator also met with Mayor Michael Nutter and Councilman Darrell Clarke to discuss $475,000 in federal funding going to the city for its North Broad Street Project. The money will be used to stimulate economic development along the North Broad Street corridor. Improvements could include new lighting, street trees and sidewalk improvements.