Posted March 8, 2011
Temple University's President Hart responds to governor's message
In this March 8 video, President Ann Weaver Hart of Temple University responds to Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbetts budget message. President Hart asks all members of the Temple community to become engaged and informed about the budgets effects by joining TALON, the Temple Advocates Legislative Outreach Network.
As a member of the Temple community, please sign our petition to show your support for the university, and let your State Senator and State Representative know that you are opposed to Gov. Corbetts plan.
Stand with Temple
- VIDEO: Temple's President Hart responds to governor's message
- Temple prepares for cuts to state appropriation
- Temple University advocates launch petition drive, plan rally
- President Hart to meet with appropriations committees
- Faculty experts respond to Gov. Corbetts budget proposal
- Cuts to higher ed in Pennsylvania deeper than in neighboring states
- Budget cuts would hit TU Hospitals patients hard
- Contact your lawmakers regarding cuts to Commonwealth support