11 roster-worthy classes for your next semester
Owls, we’re going class shopping! Registration for the fall semester is officially open and we’re ready to load up our cart, errr, roster with the best, coolest, kind of weird but still awesome courses Temple has to offer. Here are our 11 faves.

1. Search and Destroy: Punk’s DIY Rebellion
Elective, Tyler 2468, 3 Credits
Unfortunately, listening to “Adam’s Song” by Blink-182 does not make you punk. Just emo. But thankfully, there’s a class that will show you the punk way. Examine the formal manifestations of punk culture through music, graphics, fashion and DIY publishing, and dissect their undeniable influence on our social norm barriers. Hey! Ho! Let’s go, Owls!
2. Race and Ethnicity in American Cinema
Satisfies the Race & Diversity GenED, Film & Media Arts 0843, 0943, 3 credits
Remember holding back tears while watching Sandra Bullock take a homeless Michael Oher into her care, raising him to become a national football star in The Blind Side? Us too. But now, did you ever consider that the spunky, outspoken Leigh Anne Tuohy directly fits the white savior trope? Now you can. Thematic racism and false representation of ethnic and minority groups can be dated back to our oldest forms of cinema. In this course, you will examine century-old cinematic traditions and examine their impact in our world today. Pack some popcorn because you’ll be watching movies every class!
3. The Detective Novel
Satisfies the World Society GenED, English 0857, 3 credits
Get out your magnifying glasses because we’re searching for clues. And by clues, we mean the ways in which this prolific genre globally traveled and how the definition of crime, criminals, and justice has evolved through generations, all while studying the world’s greatest mystery novelists. We’re no Nancy Drew, but that sounds interesting.
4. Green vs. Grey: Improving & Sustaining Urban Ecosystems
Satisfies the Science and Technology GenED, Landscape Architecture 0852, 3 credits
Temple strives to create a sustainable community, which means we want to use only the amount of resources necessary for our prosperity without jeopardizing the lives of future generations of Owls. Engaging with the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society, Mill Creek Urban Farm directors and Philadelphia Zoo administrators, you’ll gain deepened understanding in the aspects of planning, funding and installing sustainable green systems in a city landscape. After this course, when you think about tossing that greasy pizza box in the recycling bin, you’ll think again.
5. Latin American Media
Satisfies the World Society GenED, MSP 0823, 3 credits
This course, nor our hips, aren’t lying about the increasingly evident Latin American media we consume on a daily basis. Examine Latin America in the way it produces its content and its response to the influence it has had on U.S. entertainment culture. From music to television to oscar-nominated pictures, learn about the ways in which these media systems interact and influence one another and the growing presence of Latin Americans here in Philadelphia.
6. What is Christianity?
Elective, Religion 2596, 3 credits
Considering 2.4 billion people in the world have adopted some form of christianity, it might be worth seeing what it’s all about. This is a religion that has impacted our history, practices, morals, laws, expression and freedom for centuries. Through this course, you will tackle how to define this religion, its core beliefs, its criticisms and its stance in the modern day.
7. Backpacking and Camping I
Elective, Kinesiology 1009, 2 credits (additional $30 course fee)
If you’re outdoorsy and eager to hike, tent and camp for credit, this course is definitely for you. After spending time in the classroom training in the art of packing, hiking and cooking in the wild, class meetings are replaced with weekend trips, where you explore the great outdoors with your fellow peers and implement your survival skills! And don’t worry, we won’t pull a 127 Hours on you. Scout’s honor.
8. Bilingual Communities
Satisfies the Human Behavior GenED, Spanish 0826, 3 credits
Debemos aceptar la manera en que diferente dialectos se entrecruzan en comunidades bilingües. The brillianance of bilingual identities is that a Spanish and English speaker can read the first sentence and the latter with seamless ease. We live in a cultural melting pot and with so many international students, Temple is a hub for language diversity. This course will focus on the ways in which bilingual communities coexist with one another, and the ways in which varying dialects spark dilemmas and inspire change.
9. Evil Plots
Satisfies the Quantitative Literacy GenED, EES 0873, 4 credits
In the era of fake news, we must keep our eyes alert for spotting misleading visual data. With this course, you will analyze the design of data and the intentional methods in which it can persuade, mislead and straight-up lie. So, next time Aunt Carol shares a biased political graph on Facebook, you have the tools to not be fooled.
10. Creative Acts
Satisfies the Arts GenED, English 0826, 0926 (Honors), 4 credits
Your voice is one of the most powerful things you possess, so why not be heard? In this writing-intensive course, you will engage with other creatives and faculty to enhance your writing style. By the end of the course, you’ll have your own portfolio of pieces that exude your creativity and share with the world your strong vernacular. Or just have your mom put them up on the fridge!
11. Bionic Human
Satisfies the Science and Technology GenED, Bio Engineering 0844, 3 credits
Do you ever stretch your leg the wrong way and wish you could replace your tendons? Us too. And good news ... someday it may be possible! Explore the ways in which various injuries can be treated with our advancement of bioengineering. When you complete the course, you’ll know how a pig heart can save your life, just in case you have one of the days. We’ll be kind of like Bicentennial man, except backwards.
Explore what other interesting courses are offered through our General Education Program.
—Nicholas Eiser