12 social media accounts you should be following
A list of the latest and greatest accounts for keeping up-to-date on all things Temple.

We know you (sometimes) stay up later than you should scrolling through your social media feeds. Now here’s a list to make that time worthwhile.
Temple University
@TempleUniv on Twitter and Instagram
Why? For all things Temple including the latest news, updates, events and more.
Temple Bands
@TempleBands on Instagram
Why? Because they bring the jams.
**Have you seen their performance for the opening of #CharlesLibrary!?
Temple Owls (Temple University Athletics)
@TempleOwls on Twitter and Instagram
Why? They don’t just focus on one sport - they’re about all things Owls.
Temple Libraries
@TULibraries on Instagram and @TempleLibraries on Facebook and Twitter
Why? On Instagram you get all the views of Charles Library and on Facebook and Twitter you can stay in the know when it comes to all the super cool events they hold (and you’ll get all the views of Charles Library).
Provost Epps
@ProvostEpps on Twitter
Why? She truly loves Temple students, and she always has words of support and encouragement for an Owl in need. (She’s also the first Provost in Temple history to tweet!)
Stella the Owl
@StellaEPZ on Twitter
Why? Because she brings the sass and we’re here for it.
Temple Sustainability
@TempleEcoOwls on Twitter and @TUSustainability on Instagram
Why? They’re always ready with tips on how to live more sustainably, as well as info about sustainability events happening on campus.
Temple University Young Alumni (TUYA)
@TempleTUYA on Twitter and Instagram
Why? Want to see all of the great things that Temple grads are capable of? The Temple University Young Alumni are loud and proud about our Owls, and can help you create a network for once you turn your tassel.
Hooter the Owl
@Hooter_TheOwl on Twitter and @HooterTheOwl on Instagram
Why? Hooter is an outrageous bird who is definitely a little out there… but he’s also Temple’s biggest cheerleader.
Temple Foodies
@TempleFoodies on Instagram
Why? Because who doesn’t love food?! They’re your go-to source for good eats in North Philly and beyond.
Temple Activities
@TUActivities on Instagram and Twitter
Why? They’re where all the campus event magic happens. (Plus they’re responsible for the ferris wheel at TUPalooza … so you know they have some tricks up their sleeves.)
Andrea Sarmiento
Andrea Leoni on YouTube
Why? She’s our new student vlogger and she’s killin it!