Your guide to Election Day 2022
How to vote in-person and by mail.

PSA: It’s not too late to make your voice heard. Election Day for midterm elections is Tuesday, Nov. 8. Voting in person on that day is the last opportunity to cast your ballot in the 2022 midterm election.
In the last midterm, the voting rate among college and university students in the United States more than doubled, from roughly 19% in 2014 to around 40% in 2018. In 2020, 73% of Temple students who were registered to vote cast a ballot. If you are registered, make sure you vote and encourage your friends to do the same.
If you already voted by mail or absentee ballot, you may be wondering how to know if your ballot reached its destination. If you have never voted in person before, or even if you have, you may be a little unsure about what to expect.
We know it’s a lot to keep track of, but luckily we have got answers to these burning questions and more.
I’m voting in-person but I don’t know what to do or where to go.
First, confirm your polling location and the voter ID requirements in your state. The polling locations closest to Temple’s campus are Bright Hope Baptist Church and Beckett Gardens Community Center. Polling places in Philadelphia are open from 7 a.m. until 8 p.m. In Pennsylvania, voters are only required to present identification if it is their first time voting in their division—here is a list of acceptable forms of identification.
Then, head to your polling place on Election Day. If it’s your first time voting, bring identification (your OWLcard will work!), but it might also be a good idea to bring a mask, as well as snacks and water. Note that Temple Votes, a division under the dean of students, has planned a “parade to the polls” on Election Day: Students who are registered using their campus addresses will meet in their resident halls and travel to their designated polling sites together.
It’s possible that there will be a long line at your polling place. Be aware that if you are in line at the time that polls close, you should stay in line! Anyone in line at the time that polls close will be able to vote. If you have any concerns about fairness at your polling location, call Election Protection at 866-687-8683.
How do I learn more about who is running?
Non-partisan candidate guides for important 2022 races can be found at or on the Temple Votes website.
Can I register using my campus address or off-campus rental address?
Yes, students are allowed to use campus or off-campus rental addresses. The deadline to register in Pennsylvania for 2022 is Oct. 24.
Do I need to update my registration every year?
If you have moved, yes. If not, no. It is best to check your status to make sure it is correct by going to
Are we off on Election Day?
No, so make your plan to vote now! This is especially important if you do not live close to campus and need to travel or request a mail-in ballot where available.
I’ve heard a lot about voting by mail. Can I do that?
Many states are allowing voters to mail in their ballots in advance of Election Day. Your state may require you to have a valid excuse to vote by mail, such as being unable to get to your polling place due to illness, injury or disability or being an out-of-state college student. Acceptable excuses vary by state, as do the deadlines by which you need to apply for a mail-in ballot.
All Pennsylvania voters can vote by mail. The 2022 deadline to apply for a mail-in ballot in Pennsylvania is Nov. 1, but we recommend doing it earlier. Your completed ballot must be received by 8 p.m. on Election Day. It can be returned by mail or in person at your County Election Office. Find out about your state’s requirements and deadlines.
I mailed in my ballot. How do I know if it was received?
If you have already voted by mail or absentee ballot, you can track the status of your ballot using this state-by-state guide. If you are voting by mail in Pa., you can track the status of your ballot.
What resources and events are available at Temple leading up to Election Day?
Chris Carey, the senior associate dean of students, has been hosting a 15-minute presentation in classes about registering and preparing to vote that will continue through the registration deadline. He can be contacted directly via email: by faculty who would like to try and schedule a presentation.
For more information on registering to vote, check out the Temple students’ guide to registering to vote in 2022. For answers to more questions, check out Common Questions After Election Day.