
An update on TAUP negotiations

During the last two weeks, Temple University representatives have met with the Temple Association of University Professionals (TAUP) on two occasions to continue negotiations toward a new collective bargaining agreement. TAUP’s current contract will expire on Sunday, Oct. 15.

University representatives have spent a portion of each session answering questions regarding the university’s proposals and discussing those presented by the union. We appreciate the open discussions that we have been able to have with TAUP to date. Our desire is to work collaboratively with TAUP and ultimately reach a resolution that benefits all parties. 

For more than 30 years, Temple and TAUP have worked together to successfully negotiate contracts, and we are committed to doing all we can to ensure that this remains the case. We are willing to meet as frequently as needed between now and Oct. 15 to reach an agreement that prioritizes our students’ best interests and also fairly recognizes the contributions of our outstanding faculty, librarians and academic professionals.

We are currently working through several non-economic issues with the union, and our next meeting is scheduled for Sept. 11.

We are committed to keeping the university community informed as we proceed with negotiations. For that reason, we have launched a new webpage dedicated to sharing important information about the negotiations. Please visit to view these updates going forward. The page will be updated regularly, including following every bargaining session.

Thank you for your patience and support as we move through this process together.