
WHYY-FM - March 19, 2010

Media Outlet: 


With three suicides at Interboro High School—along with a wave of suicides at Cornell University, parents and teachers are concerned about suicide clusters. A suicide in a person's community can increase suicide risk for people who are already troubled, says Temple University psychology professor Brian Daly: "Because these individuals tend to have a pre-existing mental illness and are probably in a place themselves of hopelessness and despair, it oftentimes can be the trigger that sets them to the impulsive action of committing suicide." Temple University social work professor Jonathan Singer says parents should start a conversation about the issue: "What are the reasons for sticking around and living, what do you have going for you, what ways do you feel supported by your peers, your parents, what ways do you feel supported by your community, and it's really an amazing opportunity to gain an insight into a child's life."