This year, the Department of Alumni Relations asked Temple’s Alumni Weekend participants to consider what comes to mind when they think about what Temple means to them.
During Alumni Weekend, April 25–27, Owls will return to Main Campus to celebrate their Temple pride. For some participants, such as Andrea Swan, SMC ’98, CLA ’11, celebrating Owl pride happens year-round—on campus, no less.
“My Temple is … past, present and future,” said Swan, director of community and neighborhood affairs in Temple’s Office of Government, Community and Public Affairs. “The education I received from Temple enabled me to have a successful career in public relations. I jumped at the chance to work at Temple in a role that would allow me to help others.”
Swan works to connect residential, civic and faith-based stakeholders to university resources. She also works closely with students to arrange volunteer opportunities across the city.
Other alumni working at Temple also are encouraged to attend the weekend-long event, said Carrie Stavrakos, associate director of alumni programming, Homecoming and Alumni Weekend.
“Alumni Weekend is always an exciting time at Temple,” Stavrakos said. “Whether you experienced the university as an undergraduate or graduate student, the relationships formed there are lasting.”
To view a full list of reunions and activities, visit Temple’s alumni website.
Make Love, Not War: A Retrospective of the Swinging Sixties, hosted by the Class of 1964
Friday, April 25
3:30–5 p.m.
1810 Liacouras Walk, conference suite
The Class of 1964 invites visitors to join a discussion with Temple scholars and 1960s activists to analyze the legacy of that era. Were the sixties reckless, or revolutionary? Did that decade produce meaningful change, or was it merely a temporary expression of dissent? How have the lessons of that period impacted American democracy? A light reception will precede the discussion.
5K Run and Family Fun Walk
Saturday, April 26
8:30 a.m.
For the full 5K Run and Family Fun Walk schedule, visit Temple’s alumni website.
13th Street and Polett Walk
$10 per person
FREE for current Temple students with TUid
The annual 5K Run and Family Fun Walk winds around Main Campus, with plenty to see along the way. Top finishers will be rewarded for their efforts, and post-race food will be provided.
Scavenger Hunt and Family Festival
Saturday, April 26
10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Bell Tower, Polett Walk between 12th and 13th streets
A campuswide scavenger hunt that is suitable for all ages kicks off this year’s Family Festival. Owls also can visit Temple’s iconic food trucks and eateries, and enjoy a performance by Hot Club Philly, a Gypsy jazz band.
Cherry and White Game
Saturday, April 26
1 p.m.
Cardinal O'Hara High School
1701 S. Sproul Rd.
Springfield, PA 19064
The annual Cherry and White Game is the first opportunity Owls fans have to see the 2014 Temple football team in action!
Shuttle service to and from the game will be provided for students.
For more information about the day’s schedule and shuttle service for students, visit the Temple Owl Club website or call 215-204-8499.
Edie Windsor: Love Conquers the Law: One Woman’s Voice Silences DOMA
Saturday, April 26
2–4 p.m.
Temple Performing Arts Center
1837 N. Broad St.
To purchase tickets, visit the Liacouras Center online.
Edie Windsor, CLA ’50, brought the lawsuit to the Supreme Court that overturned the Defense of Marriage Act in 2013. A screening of Edie & Thea: A Very Long Engagement, a documentary about Windsor and her partner, will be followed by a question-and-answer session.
For more information about the event and to purchase tickets, visit the CLA website.
Temple University Opera Theater presents Gluck’s Orfeo Ed Euridice
Friday, April 25, 7:30–10:30 p.m.
Sunday, April 27, 3–6 p.m.
Tomlinson Theater
1301 W. Norris St.
Temple students will perform Orfeo Ed Euridice, an opera by Christoph Willibald Gluck based on the myth of Orpheus.
General admission: $20
Students and senior citizens: $15
with student OWLcard: $5
For more information about those performances, contact Matt Schillizzi at schillizzi@temple.edu or 215-204-7609.
— Jazmyn Burton