Local students get a head start on selecting high schools
The College of Education hosted a hands-on Career and Technical Education Fair to make the high school selection process easier for local students.

A few weeks before the fall and winter holidays, anxious seventh graders start the process of thinking about which high schools they want to apply for in the spring.
To make the decision-making process a bit easier, the College of Education at Temple University hosted a Career and Technical Education (CTE) Fair, where students learned about vocational programs available at Philadelphia’s Randolph, Dobbins and Mastbaum high schools.
More than 400 students from local elementary schools attended the fair, which the college hosted in partnership with Steppingstone Scholars, Inc. and the School District of Philadelphia.
Students who participate in career and technical education have higher rates of on-time high school graduation, are more likely to have successfully completed a college preparatory course load, and they have higher rates of college matriculation," said Juliet D. Curci, EDU ’11, senior director of school and community partnerships in the College of Education.
“With this information about their options, the seventh grade students will be better prepared to make career-oriented choices as they consider CTE programs as part of their pathway to and through college,” said Curci. “Our goal is to help students make informed decisions when choosing which high schools they want to apply to.”
During their visit to Temple this month, seventh graders rotated through mini-presentations by high school students representing 20 various CTE programs at the three high schools.
The students also toured Temple's campus to learn about how their interest in a CTE program also connects with their choice of college majors and vice-versa.
Philadelphia students can choose from several different types of public high schools in the city including neighborhood schools, citywide admission, special admission and charter schools.
Even if they plan to attend their neighborhood schools, all eighth graders are required to fill out the high school selection form.
“Nationally, the fastest growing jobs are in CTE fields: health care, the skilled trades, STEAM [science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics], IT and marketing. Philadelphia students need to be prepared to take advantage of these growing opportunities,” Curci said.