College Bound Academy for housing-insecure youth returns to campus
Temple hosted teens who are facing homelessness or in foster care for College Bound Academy, a program designed to allow them to explore academic and career options.

Temple’s annual College Bound Academy, a program specially designed for housing-insecure youth to get a taste of college life and explore future career options, returned to campus for the fifth year in July.
This year’s College Bound Academy cohort was the largest yet, with nearly 30 teens participating in the program. Temple’s Center for Community Partnerships hosts the weeklong program to provide students access to information about possible college majors and career options. The program is designed for local teens who are housing insecure, meaning they are either homeless and living in shelters or in foster care.
For the first time this year, Temple partnered with the School District of Philadelphia to offer the program, which was supported in part by the Commonwealth’s McKinney-Vento Fund.
Follow parts of the 2019 cohort’s journey as they explored their futures at Temple.
Students learned about computer programming in the College of Science and Technology.
At Temple Ambler, students explored the Ambler Arboretum and learned about horticulture.
The students visited Temple’s Sports Complex to try lacrosse.
The teens had the chance to try their hand at the anchor desk during a visit to Klein College of Media and Communication and the TUTV studios.