Posted June 14, 2022

Katz to include community interviewers in admissions process

The Lewis Katz School of Medicine has included, for the first time, the perspectives of North Philadelphia community members in its selection process for the Class of 2026. 

Image of community interviewers at the Katz School of Medicine.
Photography By: 
Courtesy of Lewis Katz School of Medicine
Community members met with prospective students on “Interview Day.”

For the first time, the Lewis Katz School of Medicine has included members of the North Philadelphia community in its interview selection process. While selecting students for the Class of 2026, the Admissions Committee included the perspectives of community interviewers who live and work in the neighborhoods surrounding the medical school. 

The purpose of including community members in the admissions selection process is to help candidates better understand the local community while helping the Admissions Committee assess applicants’ readiness to work with individuals with diverse needs. 

“We feel it makes our admissions process better. It makes our school community better, and it makes us a better steward and partner in our community,” said Randolph Lyde, MED ’22, who served as chair of the Student Diversity Council at the Katz School until his graduation in May.

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