Posted May 16, 2024

Reporting for change: Temple senior finds her calling in journalism

Fallon Roth's future awaits at The Philadelphia Inquirer.

Roth poses in cap and gown at the Bell Tower
Provided by Fallon Roth

Name: Fallon Roth
Degree: BA, Journalism
College: Klein College of Media and Communication
Hometown: Bucks County, PA

Big Future: An internship at The Inquirer news desk

Why Temple: From the moment Fallon Roth began searching for the perfect journalism program, Temple University’s Klein College of Media and Communication stood out as an unbeatable choice. Roth’s decision was solidified when she discovered The Temple News. Its vibrancy and breadth immediately drew her in, revealing that it was more than just a student newspaper; it was a launching pad for aspiring journalists. The extensive news coverage and active student involvement in the newspaper confirmed her decision—Temple was where she could flourish. Not far into her first year, Roth was hired to The Temple News’ staff as a writer. This opportunity marked the beginning of her journey through various editorial roles, evolving from a news editor to a digital managing editor before culminating in the role of editor-in-chief for her senior year.

Standout internship: During Roth’s junior year, she dove deeper into journalistic endeavors under the guidance of Professor Yvonne Latty in Klein's Investigative Reporting course. Professor Latty was not just an instructor, but a mentor who bridged classroom theories with real-world journalism. Her introductions led Roth to an internship at Billy Penn under Danya Henninger, a seasoned editor who deeply influenced Roth’s journalistic style and ethics. At Billy Penn, Roth’s reporting spanned critical issues from education to breaking news, and one of her proudest moments was the discovery of a scoop regarding the I-95 bridge’s collapse and reconstruction. With this scoop, Roth helped enable Billy Penn to become one of the first outlets to report on the matter.

Philly life: The energy and excitement of Philadelphia resonates deeply with Roth. From the passionate sports fandom to the thriving arts and diverse food scenes, Philadelphia serves as a source of continual inspiration. Growing up in a nearby suburb outside the city, Roth visited Philadelphia throughout her life. Having participated in the arts for more than 10 years, Philly is where Roth saw her first live theater performances. Roth’s personal connection to Philly is palpable; it fuels her creativity and ambition, especially in the world of news. 

Temple Made moment: A defining moment in Roth’s academic career occurred last April when she received a call from John DiCarlo, advisor to The Temple News, announcing her new role as editor-in-chief. This pinnacle achievement was a testament to her dedication and hard work throughout her years at Temple. It wasn’t just a role; it was an opportunity to shape the newspaper’s future and implement her own independent vision.

Hootable: “It was exciting to think about this blank canvas I had in front of me. If I had chosen one of the other schools I had considered, I don’t think I’d be in such an exciting position as I am in now, because of the opportunities afforded through The Temple News and the location of the city.”

 -Avery Bumsted, Class of 2025
