Posted May 19, 2009

Diamond Award winners announced

Twenty-two of Temple’s most distinguished students were honored recently with the presentation of the university’s highest recognition given to an undergraduate by the Office of Student Affairs.

The Diamond Award is presented to those who have demonstrated superior leadership, academic achievement, service to the university and impact on the local, regional or global community. The awards are presented each year at the Annual Diamond Award Ceremony.

Over the past several years, the award process has been changed to reach a larger population of the student body and to enable the selection committee to recognize all Temple students for a combination of academic excellence, leadership, service and positive impact on the university community.

Recipients are selected by a committee of administrators. This year’s recipients are:

Tyler School of Art
Kwamina Akwa, architecture

Angela Washko, painting

Boyer School of Music
Jessica Lapp, music therapy/voice

School of Communications and Theater
Shannon McDonald, journalism
Allison Wass, communications

Fox School of Business
Nadine Mompremier, law and business

School of Tourism and Hospitality Management

David Kangas, sports management

Tara Miller, tourism and hospitality management

College of Engineering

Peter Strahs, mechanical engineering

College of Liberal Arts

James Baraldi, psychology and Spanish

Danielle Country, Greek and Roman classics

Elizabeth Hanson, political science

Brian Mays, English

Paul Minkovich, anthropology/human biology

McKayla Saine, anthropology/human biology

Jessica Shaffer, psychology

College of Science and Technology

Robert Fratamico, biology

Amanda Garcia, communications

Peter LoBue, computer science and math

School of Social Administration

Elizabeth Gambale, social work

College of Education/College of Liberal Arts

Christina Thatcher, education

Charise Young, social studies/history
