Learning Your Way
One of the challenges that professors face when they walk into their classrooms is making sure that all of their students comprehend what is being taught and how to utilize the information. |
Because not all students learn the same way, however, instructors like Rashida Ng, an associate professor of Architecture in the Tyler School of Art, have to find ways to reach each of them. “I teach a lecture course,” she said. “So I’m interested in other ways of reaching students. There is such a diversity of learning styles and lecturing isn’t always the best way to connect with individual students.” This desire has led Ng to participate in a new pilot program designed to help teachers be all they can be to all of their students. Project EDIT (Embracing Diversity Through Inclusive Teaching) partners the Teaching and Learning Center, Disability Resources and Services and a $50,000 grant from Verizon to create a program designed to give professors some new ways to connect with all of their students. The award is one of two grants totaling $100,000 Verizon has provided in support of Temple educational programs. (See "Philadelphia children develop powerful voices .") “This project will help us examine how we teach and how to make it more inclusive of diverse populations,” said John Bennett, director of Disability Resources and Services. “Many professors already make the learning experience more inclusive and want to share that knowledge. Project EDIT will serve as a catalyst for that sharing and show that teachers can reach everyone and keep education quality high.” The professor training on ways to restructure classes to accommodate all of the ways that students learn will be done through the Teaching and Learning Center, said Pamela Barnett, associate vice provost and center director. There will also be peer observation so that teachers can learn from each other. The professors will begin the training process in the Fall semester for use during the Spring semester. |