Posted December 9, 2015
Cherry Crusade rewarded for loyalty
Football Coach Matt Rhule offers to buy textbooks for some of Temple's biggest fans.

Betsy Manning
Die-hard Temple fans have one more reason to cheer for Matt Rhule.
Sam Forman, Class of 2016, can often be found sitting in the front row at Temple’s athletics events. As president of the Cherry Crusade, he is a part of the enthusiastic and passionate student organization made up of die-hard Owls fans. They’re the ones who show up to games with their bodies painted cherry and white and lead the students in chants and cheers. It’s all for the love of the team and the game, not because they expect anything in return. So imagine their surprise when Head Coach Matt Rhule recognized their enthusiasm and loyalty at the home game against Memphis by offering to purchase their textbooks for the spring semester.
Forman and about a dozen fellow devotees arrived at the stadium early, in time to see Rhule complete his regular pre-game sprints. “I gave [Rhule] a thumbs up as he ran by, which I generally do,” said Forman. It’s a gesture he regularly makes to let the coach know that he has the fans’ support. “Every once in a while he sees it—this time he did,” he said.
Rhule approached the group, and in addition to thanking them for being at the game, he made the offer to purchase their textbooks to show his gratitude for their continual support.
Forman said he was shocked by the offer. “There really isn’t much to say in the moment when someone makes such a generous offer, especially someone we all think so highly of already,” he said. “Most of the Crusaders who were there are underclassmen and I think they were just happy to actually meet coach face-to-face. It was nice enough of him to stop by before a really big game, so the offer [to purchase textbooks] was just a next level of generosity.”
After Temple announced Rhule signed a six-year contract extension, the Cherry Crusade publically thanked him for his generosity on Twitter. He responded, “Thank you for being there to support us!”
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