Seven ways to keep calm during finals
Keep calm and kick it on Beury Beach. Keep calm and yoga on. Keep calm and cry at the return of those adorable pups!!! Yes: yoga and dogs on campus—the telltale signs that finals are upon us once again. Here are seven things to do to help you stay sane before and through finals.

Dance, dance.
Conclude your first study day with a night of outdoor zumba-ing with group fitness leaders who will guide your formula-reciting self through an interactive dance party.
Tuesday, May 2, 7–10 p.m., Erny Outdoor Courts, IBC Student Recreation Center -
Crafts & games.
If you’re in need of a power-down, stop by the library for a midday break of arts, crafts, games and PowerPoint notes (kidding!).
Wednesday, May 3, noon‒3 p.m., Ground floor Lecture Hall, Paley Library -
For when your finals-brain drags your body to the gym but it’s just not happening: Devote some time for a 10-minute massage by a certified massage therapist stationed at TUF.
Wednesday, May 3, 4‒8 p.m., TU Fitness -
Glow yoga.
Your sun salutations will glow a little brighter at this outdoor glow-stick themed yoga session held on the outdoor court at the IBC; sign-ups start at 6:30 p.m. on site at the IBC.
Wednesday, May 3, 7‒8:30 p.m., Erny Outdoor Courts, IBC Student Recreation Center -
Frisbee Golf.
Like frisbee? Golf? Fresh air? Decimating your competition? Then shuttle to Ambler for a rousing game of disc golf (basically, frisbee meets basket).
Thursday, May 4, noon, Red Barn Gym, Recreation Services, Ambler Campus -
Dogs. Dogs. Dogs.
Our favorite furry friends are headed back to campus to provide us with the mood-lifting, stress-relieving comfort that no amount of ice cream and Netflix can replicate.
Friday, May 5, 1‒2:30 p.m. / Monday, May 8, 10:30 am–noon, Ground floor Lecture Hall, Paley Library -
You’ve made it: your finals are finito and you’re singing the praises of your study skills. Instead of a one-person-concert in your room, come see renowned composer and conductor Alice Parker leading her students in song.
Wednesday, May 10, 7:30 p.m., Klein Recital Hall, Presser Hall