Your guide to surviving finals week
You got this, Owls! All you have to do is study for a few final exams, put the finishing touches on a presentation, write a couple 10-page papers, get in touch with those people in your class you’re supposed to do a group project with who haven’t responded to your last 11 emails and then do the project. Easy! And when we say easy, we mean everyone is approximately two minutes away from a total meltdown. That’s why Nutshell is here with a guide to get you through finals. Step one: Know when your exams are. Step two: Hang out with a dog.

Know when your final exams are.
It might sound crazy that someone wouldn’t know when their exams or final presentations are, but when your brain is as full as it is right now, it’s not totally unheard of to forget a few things. Check this official examination schedule so you know exactly how much time you have to cram.
Take advantage of extended hours at the library and TECH Center.
Through finals, the library will be open 24 hours a day and the TECH Center will extend its 24 hours of operation through the weekend. While technically you can stay at either of these study spots all night, we aren’t exactly encouraging that.
Eat something and acknowledge that drinking coffee doesn’t count as a meal.
Whoever said breakfast is the most important meal of the day was a genius because, donuts. But when you’re on the grind, food is usually the first thing to go out the window. That’s a mistake because, again donuts, but you can’t function at 100 without it. Check out the library’s Crunch Time Café for free breakfast and other ways to refuel.
Give yourself time to relax and play with a dog.
So there might be one reason to actually like finals week and that reason might definitely be the therapy dogs. The library’s Crunch Time Café is coming back at us with cute dogs available for petting, cuddling and fixing everything in our lives.
Don’t refresh your browser every minute checking for your grades.
After you finish everything up, pat yourself on the back and assume you killed it instead of stressing yourself out more waiting for that grade. For peace of mind, know that all final grades must be submitted two days after the last day of finals.
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