Emergency resources every Owl should know about
Fam, we’re clearly all about saving that $$$. And, we totally know that $$$ is stressful, especially while you’re in college. That’s why we’re here to remind you that Temple has a bunch of resources to help you get through rough times. Cherry Pantry (our on-campus food bank in the Student Center) is available for all students and just got a crazy big donation. So, shelves=stocked. Before ever considering skipping a meal or leaving Temple (noooooo) check out these services that can help you stay on track.

Cherry Pantry
WHAT IT IS: Temple’s on-campus food bank located in Room 224A, Howard Gittis Student Center North. The shelves are stocked with healthy, non-perishable foods and personal hygiene items. Cherry Pantry works to be sure all students have access to nutritious food.
WHO'S IT FOR: All students with a valid OWLcard
HOW TO USE IT: Just show up (with your OWLcard!) on Tuesday or Wednesday from 1 to 5 p.m. and Thursday from 4 to 8 p.m. Check out another Nutshell story for more details on exactly how everything works.
Want to help support Cherry Pantry and your peers? It accepts donations on Mondays from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. or during regular operating hours.
Student Emergency Aid Fund
WHAT IT IS: A fund created to help students with financial assistance in a serious time of need so you are able to stay enrolled through temporary hardship.
WHO'S IT FOR: Any student dealing with (but not limited to!) medical bills not covered by insurance, loss from theft or fire, loss of income or housing, or recovery from illness or an accident.
HOW TO USE IT: Contact the vice president of Student Affairs at 215-204-6556 to talk through your situation and see what’s possible.
Temple Education Leave of Absence
WHAT IT IS: A way for students to take a break from taking classes for one or two consecutive semesters without officially leaving Temple. Students who take a leave of absence are still granted certain university privileges, like access to the library and your Temple email account.
WHO'S IT FOR: Full-time students
HOW TO USE IT: Apply through the end of the drop/add period of any semester. You can apply through your TUportal account. Check out the full details of the process.
WHAT IT IS: A way to withdraw from a course without penalties (a withdrawal on your transcript and you still have to pay for the course) due to a serious extenuating circumstance.
WHO'S IT FOR: Any student facing (but not limited to!) serious medical conditions, family emergencies or military deployment.
HOW TO USE IT: See an advisor or program coordinator in your school or college. That person will help you understand your options and assist with your petition, if appropriate.
Finding a supportive community can also help you get through difficult times. The Office of Institutional Diversity, Equity, Advocacy and Leadership and the Wellness Resource Center both offer programming around inclusivity and wellness.