9 things to do for one unforgettable October
Want to kick back, relax and have a little fun? We've got you covered.

It’s finally here; the sweater-iest season of the year (and no, not just because we rhymed without intending to; we’re poets without prior appreciation for our own innate … ingenuity).
It’s that magical time when sweaty weather becomes sweater weather, when the world blesses us with a gentle breeze or three, a sudden splash of crinkly color, and the intractable certainty that we better enjoy it while it lasts because the winter will be exactly as frigid and desolate as the summer was oppressive and sweltering. So. if you’re into chunky knits, pumpkin spice, apple cider and the feeling of your fingers wrapped tight around a steaming paper cup, here are a few fun campus events for you to sink your Starbucks-stained teeth into this fall.
Oh no! You (literally) sunk my battleship!
And by battleship we mean battle canoe. Which is a thing. In a pool. With a team. Against another team. Also in a canoe. Wait … why are you looking at us like that? It’s real! We swear!
Register Oct. 1–22, all day at the pool
Wednesday, Oct. 23, 7–10 p.m. Pearson and McGonigle Halls, Pool 31
DiamondQ LGBTQ+ Film Fest
Our first annual DiamondQ Festival features a juried selection of films created by and/or highlighting topics that surround LGBTQ+ artists. First come and watch, then stay for a discussion with the directors.
Monday, Oct. 7, 5 p.m. screening; 6:30 p.m. talkback at the Temple Performing Arts Center, aka TPAC
Homecoming Heroics
It’s a Homecoming of heroic proportions and the whole dang campus is invited. What better way to show your cherry and white bonafides than by showing out at every single awesome Homecoming event Temple has to offer?
Put Food Insecurity in its Place (By Walking Right Past it), Monday, Oct. 7, noon at the Bell Tower
This Homecoming Spirit Pops (Up), Tuesday, Oct. 8, noon at the Student Center
Homecoming Pageant & Formal (& Dance Party, oh my), Thursday, Oct. 10, 7 p.m. at the Student Center
Put a Little Pep (And Some Golf Carts) in Your Homecoming Rally, Friday, Oct. 11, 11:30 a.m. at the Bell Tower
Cookie Jar & Java … & Art & Awesomeness & You
One of the best things about college campus living is the ease of access to the cool and the new and the super duper hip (we still sound cool, right?). The emerging artists at Tyler would love to show you exactly what we mean. Isn’t that so bae? 100, amiright? Fleek! Oh, and don’t worry if you miss this one; these bad boys happen every dang week.
Wednesday, Oct. 9 (actually every Wednesday), 11 a.m. at Tyler in the Student Galleries
Foundations of Study Abroad aka Planning Ahead for the Best Semester of Your Life
That’s not setting expectations too high, right? Seriously though. College will be awesome either way, of course, but let’s face it; you don’t wanna be the only one at the office happy hour without a semester abroad in Rome to brag about, do you?
Thursday, Oct. 10, 12:30 p.m. at Tuttleman
See Philly as it was meant to be seen ... by bike
This is the second of three "no drop" group bike rides (meaning no one is left behind). All you need is a bike and a helmet.
Sunday, Oct 13, 11 a.m. at the Bell Tower
This Net Catches Fun (And Maybe Friends!)
Net Night is - you guessed it - all about the nets. And net-based sports more specifically. And all the fun you can have playing net-based sports, even more specifically. And all the people you can meet while having fun playing net-based sports, even more specifically, specifically.
Wednesday, Oct. 16, 7:00 p.m. at Pearson Hall, 3rd Floor
Repeats every Wednesday and Friday until Dec. 6
Don’t let your digital life be your downfall
Calls. Messages. Seemingly unending social media notifications. These are just a few of the ways we monopolize our own time. And that doesn’t even take into account all the classes and the homework and the clubs and … hey. You doin’ alright? Let’s figure out how to make this whole thing work. Together.
Wednesday, Oct. 23, 12 p.m. at the Underground
All Eyez on Us … and the Charles L. Blockson Collection
Tupac’s here, and things will never be the same. Celebrate the acquisition of archival Tupac materials by exploring the intersection of race, gender, sexuality and hip-hop through a moderated Q&A and a whole host of interactive performances. We’re goin’ through changes, people!
Thursday, Oct. 24, 2 p.m. at the Student Center