
King Congie named for "most loyal Temple fan"

King Congie named for "most loyal Temple fan"

Today, much of the news media plays the "Name Game" with the horses likely to be entered in the Preakness. The Baltimore Sun asks "Shouldn't there be a hall of fame somewhere for thoroughbreds whose accomplishments are few, but whose names are marvelous?" King Congie is named after Congie DeVito, who died on Feb. 16, at age 35. DeVito, a Temple alumnus, was the most loyal of Temple sports fans. A fellow Temple fan said, "Put it this way, I’ve never been to game from 1995 until 2011 where I didn’t see Congie in his usual spots in the arena or stadium." DeVito suffered from brittle-bone disease, had 25 broken bones at birth, and far more than100 broken bones during his life. DeVito was the first employee of West Point Thoroughbreds, which owns King Congie.
May 13, 2011 | New York Times, Philadelphia Inquirer