Finals prep from your nest
Check out some ways to prepare for finals week from home.

We can’t count on those all-nighters at the TECH Center to get us through finals this semester, but we still have to be prepared for that big exam. We’ve rounded up some handy tips and events to get us through the homestretch.
1. First thing’s first: Stay organized
It seems like it should be easy to keep everything in place when we’re confined to one space, but Stella hasn’t seen her agenda in weeks (and she’s in a single nest). Here, our student vlogger Joe shows us how to stay on top of due dates and color code our way to success.
2 . Self-care strategies: Finals edition
When the going gets tough, it’s important to take time out for yourself. Today, join the Wellness Resource Center for a self-care workshop and learn the skills and techniques you need to navigate finals week with ease.
Monday, April 27, 1–1:45 p.m.
3. Good vibes only
Do you miss those good studying vibes that always emanate from the fourth floor quiet reading room in Charles Library? If so, you can catch some of them at this drop in Zoom session and study with others virtually … and quietly.
Tuesday, April 28, 12–2 p.m.
4. Munchies
Stock up on what keeps you energized, but stay safe while you do it. Limit trips to the store for snackage by making a list in advance of the items you know you’ll need—whether that’s your favorite Clif Bar, Smartfood popcorn, or watermelon Sour Patch Kids—and then get them all at once (and don’t forget your mask and gloves). If you need suggestions for healthy noshing, Campus Rec offers these informational resources where you can find tips for eating right throughout the day … and night.
5. Catch some zzzs
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to know how important sleep is to mental health and physical well-being. Join the Wellness Resource Center at this Zoom session for tips on getting a more restful night’s sleep.
Thursday, April 30, 4–4:30 p.m.
6. Baaahh
Charles Library is having a goat takeover on their Instagram account @tulibraries! Yep, you heard me right. Philly Goat Project—you might remember them from goat yoga—will be livestreaming from their farm and telling us about the goats while they show us some of their new tricks.
Monday, May 4, 3–4 p.m.
P.S. The rain date for this event is Tuesday, May 5, from 3–4 p.m. (Goats aren't very active when it’s raining!)
7. Get moving
Don’t sit at your desk all day. Relax and release some nervous energy with yoga, pilates, kickboxing, dance and more. Campus Rec has compiled an awesome list of YouTube videos, Instagram accounts and free apps for staying physically active. They even found some health-centric programs with free trials that are worth, well … giving a try!
—Nicholas Eiser