Tom Corbett one-ups President Obama with higher-education cuts, panel
Type: In the Media
February 8, 2012
Temple News: Corbett’s proposed budget includes slash to Temple’s funding
Type: In the Media
February 13, 2012
Corbett holds line on taxes, but education, transportation remain concerns
Type: In the Media
February 9, 2012
Temple president responds to Gov. Corbett's Pa. budget address
Type: News Story
Following Gov. Tom Corbett's proposed reduction in the Commonwealth appropriation to Temple by 30 percent, Temple President Ann Weaver Hart urges the Temple community to stand with Temple in the effort to build Commonwealth support.
February 7, 2012
Temple students join the Rally for Higher Education
Type: News Story
On Tuesday, students from Temple University joined students from Penn State, University of Pittsburgh and Lincoln University to encourage state legislatures to avoid cutting state-funding for higher education. More than 170 students, with 53 representing Temple, attended the rally in the rotunda of the Capitol Building in Harrisburg.
February 1, 2012
Provost outlines possible academic restructuring
Type: News Story
After more than six months of meetings with Temple faculty members, librarians and administrators, the Office of the Provost has issued a "white paper" outlining potential restructuring throughout the university's academic enterprise.
January 26, 2012
Gov. Corbett announces budgetary reserve, nearly $7 million for Temple is at risk
Type: Announcement
January 10, 2012
Video highlights from Senate Appropriations hearing at Temple
Type: News Story
Members of the Pennsylvania Senate Appropriations Committee visited Main Campus yesterday for a tour and hearing on the importance of the Commonwealth’s annual investment in Temple.
October 12, 2011