College of Liberal Arts

What we talk about when we talk about the past
Type: News Story
In his book, Here, George Washington Was Born: Memory, Material Culture and the Public History of a National Monument (University of Georgia Press), Seth Bruggeman examines the history of commemoration in the United States by looking closely at the birthplace of George Washington.
February 2, 2009
Obama’s inauguration may be most spirited since Jackson’s
Type: News Story
“With a crowd of several million spectators expected to gather in Washington for the Obama inauguration, this promises to be the largest, most enthusiastic and most publicly celebrated inaugural since Jackson's 1829 inaugural,” says Temple History Professor Jim Hilty.
December 23, 2008
Temple sociologist foregrounds place as a risk factor for suicide
Type: News Story
Every day 85 Americans die by suicide and hundreds of thousands more make attempts every year. The vast majority of recent studies on suicide have focused on identifying psychiatric risk factors.
November 10, 2008
Choose a pre-school that is kid-friendly and emphasizes the five 'Cs,' says a Temple University child developmental psychologist
Type: News Story
Pre-schools are playing a greater role than ever in preparing young children for school readiness and to be productive members of the workforce.
August 14, 2008
Celebration marks creation of Watson Chair in Urban Education
Type: News Story
Appreciative to be the namesake of the first endowed chair at Temple named for an African American, Bernard C.
April 18, 2008
‘Going green’ without going in the red
Type: News Story
“Going green” has become a concern for mainstream corporations. Everyone is getting involved in helping humans reduce their adverse effects on the environment.
March 24, 2008
Study finds spatial and temporal patterns of violence in Philadelphia
Type: News Story
As Philadelphia police concentrate on lowering the city's homicide rate, a new study has found evidence of a predictable pattern for one type of shooting — those classified as “near-repeats.” “Our study found that once there is a shooting on a street corner, the risk of another shooting within a block of that location over the next two weeks increases by a third,” said Criminal Justice Profes
February 4, 2008
