influence of peers

Temple psychologist redefines adolescence as an 'Age of Opportunity'
Type: News Story
In his new book, 'Age of Opportunity,' Psychology Professor Laurence Steinberg challenges the stereotypes regarding adolescence. Drawing on the latest scientific findings on brain development, Steinberg calls adolescence an opportunity to help young people be happier, healthier and more successful.
September 18, 2014
'Peer contagion' influences criminal recidivism among youth, study finds
Type: News Story
Research by Associate Professor of Geography and Urban Studies Jeremy Mennis and Associate Professor of Criminal Justice Philip Harris found that neighborhood influence not only increases the likelihood that juveniles who have committed crimes will re-offend, it can also cause teenage boys to "specialize" in certain types of crime.
February 17, 2012
Study finds presence of peers heightens teen sensitivity to rewards of a risk
Type: News Story
It is well known that teenagers take risks — and that when they do, they like to have company. Teens are five times more likely to be in a car accident when in a group than when driving alone, and they are more likely to commit a crime in a group.
April 4, 2011
Temple psychologist tackles the teen years in newly revised book
Type: News Story
In his newly revised book, You and Your Adolescent: The Essential Guide for Ages 10-25 (Simon & Schuster, January 2011), Steinberg offers parents practical tips for navigating the tricky terrain of the teen years. As an expert in the area of teen decision making and impulse control, his advice to parents is informed by the most current scientific findings.
January 14, 2011