Temple in the News

Teaching the "rule of law" in China (There is no link to this story) Students studying at Tsinghua University in Beijing, through the "one of a...
December 31, 1969
Temple prof describes experience as Freedom Rider (There is no link to this story) Fifty years ago today a small group of African-American and...
December 31, 1969
New York Times: Philly schools battle childhood obesity The obesity rates in Philadelphia are among some of the highest in the nation, but strides are being made,...
December 31, 1969
Is being beautiful better? (There is no link to this story) A recent study has found that people who are considered beautiful are happier,...
December 31, 1969
All might not be well with Marcellus Shale While drilling into the Marcellus Shale puts a tremendous strain on local water resources, there is no scientific data to say...
December 31, 1969
Temple students rally in support of state funding for higher education (There is no link to this story) College students are rallying in...
December 31, 1969
Obesity a root cause for the diabetes epidemic (There is no link to this story) According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,...
December 31, 1969
Vocalist comments on Aquilera's Super Bowl performance (There is no link to this story) Cristina Aguilera is still taking heat for her less...
December 31, 1969
"The King's Speech" wins approval from speech pathologists and patients (There is no link to this story) "The King's Speech" has won both...
December 31, 1969
Director of Sport Industry Research Center discusses NFL lockout The NFL impasse — how long will it last? That was the question during a 30-minute panel...
December 31, 1969
