
Tips for staying safe

Dear students,


The safety of our Temple community is of the utmost importance to us. Temple University Public Safety wants you to have fun while staying safe—and we need your help. Please review the following precautions that you can take to help keep you and your residence safe, on and off campus.

If you are on campus, you can use the RAVE Temple Guardian, a one-touch personal safety app. Read more in TUportal about how to use the app.

Take precautions

Your residence

  • Do not prop open any building, residence hall or apartment door or allow people to “tailgate” into buildings after you. You do not know whom you may be letting in.
  • Secure sliding glass doors with a safety bar or other instrument, which can be placed in the door track to prevent the door from being forced open.
  • Never hide an extra key under a mat, in a flowerpot or any other easily accessible place. These are common hiding places.
  • Ensure or maintain good lighting at all entrances and keep porch lights on at night.
  • Lock your door and take your keys with you when you leave.
  • Do not leave notes on your door stating that no one is home or when you will return.
  • Keep your blinds or curtains closed after dark or while dressing.
  • Do not loan your keys to anyone, and do not attach your TUid to your keys.
  • If you come home and find signs of forced entry, don’t go inside. Instead, go to a safe location and call the police.  

You and your landlord

  • You have the right to ask your landlord to change or rekey the locks to your unit before you move in. This helps ensure that anyone who may still have a key cannot access your residence.
  • Always keep windows and doors secure with adequate locks. If a lock in your residence is broken, contact the landlord immediately.

Visitors and strangers

  • Do not allow strangers into your room, residence hall, building or apartment.
  • Do not open your door unless you feel safe. Use the peephole installed in your front door. If you don’t have a peephole, talk to the person through the door to validate
    that you know who it is before you unlock it.
  • If you live in an apartment building, do not enter or leave the building if you notice strangers loitering in the entranceway. Do not hold the door open or allow others to
    follow you inside unless they live in the building or have permission to enter from a tenant.
  • Ask for proper identification from repair and utility workers or strangers. Don’t be afraid of asking—if they are legitimate, they won’t mind. Never give keys to repair or delivery persons.
  • If a stranger asks to use the telephone, do not permit them to enter your home. Offer to summon emergency assistance or make the call yourself behind a locked, secured door.

Your valuables

  • Keep a list of your valuable property in case anything is stolen from your residence, including each item’s make, model, serial number and date of purchase (pictures are also helpful).
  • Keep all valuables out of sight and locked up if possible.
  • Do not keep large sums of money around.

Educate yourself

  • Review these precautionary tips with your roommates and ensure everyone is aware.
  • Know where the nearest exits and fire alarms are located.
  • Make a point to understand all of Temple’s and the city’s safety resources.

Don’t wait and see—call immediately!

  • Remain aware. Keep your eyes and ears open, and be fully aware of your surroundings.
  • Report any suspicious person or behavior to Residential Life staff, Temple University Police Department (215-204-1234) or the Philadelphia Police Department at 911 (if you live off campus).
  • Don’t stall; just call, think safety.

Take these extra precautions to protect your home when traveling.

  • Make sure all doors and windows are securely locked.
  • Close all blinds so strangers can’t see inside.
  • Hide electronics/other valuables or take these items with you.
  • Disconnect power cords and electrical appliances that will not be in use.
  • In the winter, turn down your heat, but not below 55 degrees. This will prevent your pipes from freezing while you are away.
  • Try to make your home look occupied by leaving a few lights on or setting up lamps on a timer.
  • Have your mail, packages and/or newspaper delivery temporarily held while you are away. This can be done through the USPS.
  • Have a trusted friend or neighbor check on your property. Make sure they have a phone number to contact you in case of an emergency.

Our responsibility is to remain vigilant and keep each other safe by following best practices and precautions. Please take time to review these tips with your roommates and friends, so we are all working together toward this shared goal.

Best regards,

Jennifer D. Griffin
Vice President of Public Safety at Temple University