
Recent off-campus incidents

August 12, 2024 UPDATE

The following is an update to the August 2, 2024 campus announcement.

Temple University Police Department (TUPD) obtained signed arrest warrants for two individuals. The approved felony charges are in connection with incidents that occurred on May 24 and July 27, 2024, at an off-campus row home that houses several Temple student members of AEPi, a national fraternity. We are grateful to the TUPD detectives and police officers and the District Attorney’s Office for their continued efforts to keep the Temple community safe. 

The investigation of a third incident of vandalism, reported to police on May 6, is ongoing. Anyone with information regarding the incidents should contact Temple Police at 215-204-1234. We encourage all members of the Temple community to stay updated regarding the university’s available safety resources: 


To the Temple community, 

As you may be aware, in May, two incidents involving trespass and vandalism occurred at an off-campus row home that houses several Temple student members of AEPi, a national fraternity. AEPi identifies as a Jewish fraternity and there was evidence the incidents were motivated by antisemitism. 

For both incidents, Temple University Police responded promptly, gathered evidence, pursued investigations and collaborated with the Philadelphia Police Department. Temple Police increased patrols in the area and met with numerous residents and affected individuals. Temple’s Division of Student Affairs and the Department of Public Safety offered support to the impacted students and reviewed the many university resources available.

Unfortunately, there was another incident this past weekend. Temple University and Philadelphia police officers were called to the residence again to respond to reports of individuals on the rooftop. Temple’s police officers and detectives are actively investigating these incidents as both a criminal and student disciplinary matter.

We will continue to make one thing abundantly clear: Temple University does not tolerate antisemitic or other hate crimes, including vandalism and damage to property. Temple unequivocally condemns antisemitism and other acts of hatred, incitement to violence, threats, harassment and discrimination against any person.

As the police continue to pursue all leads, Temple’s Division of Student Affairs is also actively investigating these recent incidents. If students are found to be involved, they will be subject to disciplinary action under the Student Conduct Code. This would be in addition to any criminal charges filed against students and non-students.

As a university community that is committed to inclusion, tolerance, and respect for all people, these incidents are unacceptable. We take seriously our commitment to educating and supporting our students, and this includes keeping them and our entire community safe. We have many university resources available to support our community, and I encourage all students, faculty and staff to review the list and keep themselves informed.

Temple will always be guided by a fundamental mission to educate in a safe, collaborative community that fosters inclusion and acceptance. Thank you for all you do to support and uplift this powerful mission.


Richard M. Englert

Gregory N. Mandel
Senior Vice President and Provost