Posted December 1, 2015
Give back on #GivingTUesday
Celebrate the global day of giving by making a gift to Temple.

Ryan S. Brandenberg
Help fuel Temple's momentum by making a gift on Giving Tuesday or during December's Lenfest Challenge.
Join the Temple community today in celebrating Giving Tuesday, a global day of philanthropy where people come together for a common purpose: to celebrate generosity and to give.
Temple University is fueling a new age of creativity, innovation, achievement and opportunity—the impact of which is being felt across the city, the region and the world. A gift to the university is a powerful way to continue to drive its momentum.
Take part in this new tradition of generosity. Make your gift to Temple, then share how you’re making a difference by using #GivingTuesday on social media.
Lenfest challenge
Trustee H.F. “Gerry” Lenfest hopes to inspire philanthropy in the Temple community this holiday season. Lenfest is challenging a minimum of 3,000 alumni who haven’t made a gift this fiscal year to make one between Dec. 1 and 31, 2015. Once 3,000 alumni donate, Lenfest will give $150,000 to Temple.
When you make a gift, you can choose where you want your funds directed. Your tax-deductible gift can be designated for any school, department, college or unit across the university. And as an added incentive to encourage increased alumni participation, Lenfest will give the two divisions with the highest percentage increase of donors from December 2014 to December 2015 an additional $25,000.
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