Temple University Press names new editor-in-chief
Aaron Javsicas will lead the press in taking advantage of opportunities in digital and traditional publishing.

It’s a transformative time in the world of university presses with advancing technologies and academia changing, and newly appointed Temple University Press Editor-in-Chief Aaron Javsicas is eager to face modern challenges head on. Javsicas—who was promoted from his position as senior editor—plans to honor the press’ traditional strengths while exploring innovative ways to grow.
Javsicas will lead the editorial department to ensure all published materials that align with Temple University Press’ mission and goals. He will also further develop strategy and expansion with new books, especially in criminology, political science and urban studies.
“Old models of scholarly publishing are becoming less reliable. At the same time, academia itself is changing in important ways. I’m excited to help navigate the press’ course through these rapidly transforming landscapes,” said Javsicas.
While the press will continue to look for ways to further develop its book offerings, it will also take advantage of opportunities in digital publishing. Javsicas noted the possibility of app development, production of student resources in collaboration with Temple faculty, and new publishing partnerships and grant sources.
“Our reputation, like the university’s, is growing,” said Javsicas. “The press is an important outward demonstration of Temple’s commitment as an engine of scholarship.”
Temple University Press is dedicated to engagement and collaboration with Temple faculty through editorial boards, the peer review process and publishing faculty authored books. Recent initiatives include inviting students to connect with the press beyond internship opportunities.
"Our initiatives have included working with an MIS and a CIS class to develop an app for one of our books, and with a Fox Management Consulting Capstone MBA class to analyze and evaluate aspects of the press's business model," he said.
“My role is to foster all of these strengths and, working with our director, to look for additional opportunities to make mutually beneficial connections between the press and other parts of the university,” said Javsicas.