Posted February 19, 2018
Freshman wins Comcast Foundation scholarship
Sierra Williams, a legal studies major, grew up in West Philadelphia and has dreamed of a career in law since eighth grade.

Photography By:
Joseph V. Labolito
Sierra Williams, a freshman legal studies major, recently won a scholarship from the Comcast Foundation that allowed her to stay on campus and buy books for her classes.
Since eighth grade, Sierra Williams has dreamed of pursuing a career in law.
Now, with the help of a scholarship from the Comcast Foundation, the Temple University freshman who grew up in West Philadelphia is one step closer to that dream. Williams, a legal studies major who graduated from Philadelphia’s Constitution High School in 2017, won a $5,000 scholarship, part of which is a Leaders and Achievers scholarship from the foundation, and the rest of which is a Gus Amsterdam Leadership Award. She was one of two Philadelphia students to be honored with the scholarship, officially presented during the annual Mayoral Luncheon in early February.
“I didn’t understand how big of a deal it was, but after the luncheon, it hit me,” said Williams, who learned she’d won the scholarship last year.
The Comcast scholarship is giving Williams the opportunity to live at Temple and enjoy a true college experience in her hometown.
“I was not going to stay on campus, because I didn’t have enough money,” Williams said. “It also helped me buy books.”
Williams was a member of the debate team in elementary school, mock trial in high school and is currently a member of Temple’s mock trial team. She’s exploring career options and plans to eventually attend law school.
Williams was first nominated for a Comcast Scholarship as a senior in high school and won a $1,000 Leaders and Achievers award, which automatically entered her into the running for the additional $4,000 Gus Amsterdam Award, which is given to students who attend high school in Philadelphia and go on to a college or university in the city. Gus Amsterdam, the scholarship’s namesake, was a local business leader, community advocate and founding board member of the Comcast Corporation. He graduated from Philadelphia’s Central High School and had a passion for civic and educational activities.