Music to our ears
Two Boyer faculty members brighten our days with quarantine concerts.

As late afternoon rolls around each day, it’s common for some of us to look for a little pick me up. If that describes you, then try tuning in to streamed concerts by Boyer faculty members Anna and Erik Meyer.
That’s when the pair performs impromptu pieces live on Facebook (usually between 2 and 4 p.m.) from their house in Abington, Pennsylvania, for their students, friends, family members, fellow musicians and anyone who’s interested in listening.
Composed for the flute and organ—with a little piano thrown in on occasion, the performances make for an unusual and unusually uplifting combination.
“We got the idea when we saw our performances and those of other musicians being canceled,” said Meyer. “And, as I was sitting inside, feeling a little frustrated and down, waiting for my next class to start, I realized we needed an outlet—we need art and music more than ever now to lift our spirits.”
In addition to teaching and completing requirements for her doctor of musical arts degree at Temple, Anna plays with several of the region’s orchestras and serves as site coordinator and flute teacher for Play on, Philly, a nonprofit organization that provides high-quality music education to students who would typically lack access. Erik is a concert organist and composer.
So far the duo have been making their selections randomly from the sheets of music they keep stacked on their shelves. Their first performance of Bach and Enesco on March 17 garnered nearly 400 views.
“Up to this point, we’ve been able to play the pieces we choose with little preparation,” Anna said.
“But if this keeps up, we’ll run out of pieces we know well and will probably have to start practicing,” she added with a laugh.
Watch the Meyer’s quarantine concerts. Note that you must be logged in to Facebook to view the performances.