The TFMA Summer Blockbuster Series is a movie club with a twist
From Hamilton to Argo, the School of Theater, Film and Media Arts is inviting viewers to discuss movies with the Temple alumni who worked on them.

This summer, the School of Theater, Film and Media Arts is bringing the Temple community a movie club with a difference: movies featuring work by leading Owls.
The TFMA Summer Blockbuster Series invites viewers to watch a trio of recent movies, then join a virtual conversation with the alumni who worked on them. Each discussion will take place on Zoom and will be hosted by a member of the school’s faculty. The events are free, but registration is required.
The series kicks off July 10, with a discussion of the hit Broadway musical Hamilton, featuring Bryan Terrell Clark, TFM ’03, who played George Washington in the show from 2017 to 2019; Paige Smallwood, TFM ’17, who was the principal standby for the Schuyler sisters in the show’s Angelica national tour; and Josh Tower, TFM ’95, who was the standby for Aaron Burr in the same tour. The event will be moderated by Kimmika Williams-Witherspoon, associate professor of theater and playwriting at the school.
Other conversations will focus on the Oscar-winning thriller Argo (2012) and the horror movie It (2017).
Learn more about the series and register for each talk.
—Edirin Oputu