Temple Public Safety hires 5 police officers
Temple University’s Department of Public Safety welcomes several fresh faces after they graduated from the TU Patrol Academy on Friday.

Temple University’s Department of Public Safety (TUDPS) welcomed five new police officers after they graduated from the Temple University Police Academy on Friday.
“The newest additions to TUDPS will serve the Temple and north Philadelphia community well,” said Jennifer Griffin, chief of police and vice president for Public Safety. “These police officers are joining a dedicated and professional organization and will add to the excellence of Temple’s police department.”
Director of Tactical and Professional Development Chris Willard added that being a Temple police officer is an especially rewarding career.
“As our new police officers step into this noble profession, they are joining a department that is committed to making a difference in the lives of the Temple and North Philadelphia communities. There is no doubt that they will continue our mission of making our communities safer and stronger.”
For those who want to become Temple police officers, TUDPS will pay for their training in the police academy. After graduation, each new officer will be assigned a field training officer and will receive hands-on experience before moving on to patrol. Following the completion of both training and probation, the starting salary for Temple police officers is $72,739. Police officers also receive $2,500 sign-on bonuses.
Meet the Police Officers
Phillip Easton is a Philadelphia native and considers himself a service-minded individual. “As a police officer, I am looking forward to making a difference in the lives of those we serve within Temple and the surrounding communities,” he said. In his new role with TUDPS, he looks forward to getting to know many students, faculty staff and neighbors by name. “I think community engagement is very important to building a bridge between us and those we are serving. We should always be working together to make it a safer place,” he said. Additionally, he’s interested in utilizing the university’s tuition remission program.
Cheyne Geverd of Montgomery County learned in the police academy that being organized is an important skill to have as an officer because “you have to manage multiple things at once and be able to think quickly on your feet,” he said. He learned organization from running a small, independent farm, where he produces an award-winning line of hot sauces. However, he wanted to add Temple Police Officer to his resume because he always had a passion for law enforcement. “I want to make a meaningful difference in peoples’ lives and uphold the values of integrity, honesty and professionalism in law enforcement,” Geverd said. He also plans to continue to run his farm, which is seasonal. “Police officers come from all walks of life, and we all bring something different to the table - no pun intended.” He added that he enjoyed getting to know the other Temple Police cadets in the TU Police Academy as well as Director Willard, who instructs a physical education course to the cadets. “I’m excited to get on campus and support the Temple community,” he said. “You have a lot of life and energy happening on and around campus and I’m looking forward to being a part of it.”
Sow Mamadou hails from Northeast Philadelphia. He said that he is excited for the opportunity of protecting and serving the Temple community. He also stated that he is proud to wear a badge, which comes with honor and responsibility. “It means that we have to hold ourselves to a higher standard,” he said.
William Patterson is from north New Jersey and previously worked at a nonprofit that helped people learn job skills. “I wanted a career where I could continue to help others,” he said. “I was drawn to law enforcement, because it can be an extremely rewarding career. It allows me to do something different every day.” He is also looking to advance his education through the university’s tuition remission program.
Jacob Sastre of Northeast Philadelphia previously worked in the trucking industry. However, he decided to switch careers and become a Temple police officer after encouragement from his family - many of whom also work in law enforcement. Sastre’s mother works for the Philadelphia Department of Prisons. He also has a brother who works for the Philadelphia Police Department, another brother who works for the Philadelphia Fire Department and a sister who works in corrections as a counselor. “My father is also a retired Philadelphia sheriff’s deputy. So I come from a large family of service-minded individuals who had a big influence on me,” he said. “I chose TUDPS because they have a reputation for their proactive approach to community engagement - and I’m a people person. I’m also from Philadelphia and am familiar with the TUDPS’ positive impact on North Philadelphia. Community engagement is everything, because when people who learn, work and live in the area need to know they can trust police.”