Posted April 14, 2008

Coffeehouse idea wins Be Your Own Boss Bowl

Asian studies senior Brian Linton’s plan for Legal Organics, a coffeehouse with on-site roasting capabilities that also sells organic produce and flowers, took the grand prize at the 10th annual business plan competition, recently re-branded as the Be Your Own Boss Bowl.

“The faculty, students and staff of the College of Liberal Arts join me in congratulating Brian Linton on his success, which reveals the intellectual and interdisciplinary grounding of the educational opportunities available to students at CLA,” said CLA dean Teresa Scott Soufas.

“I plan to offer 100 percent organic coffee, along with organic produce and flowers,” Linton said. “My coffeehouse will be unique because I will be able to roast my beans on site. Most coffeehouses can’t do that.” Linton’s plan would use a new coffee roaster that does not emit smoke. Regular roasters create zoning problems because of the amount of smoke that is released.

Be Your Own Boss Bowl winner Brian Linton
Photo by
Lisa Godfrey
Brian Linton (middle) with Chris Pavlides, executive director of the IEI, Jaine Lucas, director of the IEI, and Ray Land, keynote speaker and senior vice-president and CFO of Safeguard Scientifics.

Linton, already a successful entrepreneur, owns Sand Shack (, a jewelry and apparel web site with part of its profits going to protect Cape Cod’s ecosystem. Despite his experience, he credits the Fox School of Business’ Innovation and Entrepreneurship Institute with helping him win the competition.

“I was really impressed with the help that the IEI offered,” says Linton. “They provide one-on-one coaching, helped me to clean up my presentation, and I was able to do a dry-run so I would be better-prepared.”

“The Innovation and Entrepreneurship Institute has a number of resources for entrepreneurs, including business plan consultation, coaching, a mentor network base, workshops, conferences and competitions,” said IEI Director Jaine Lucas. “It was inspirational working with Brian Linton and the other contestants. Their futures are so bright. Who knows? In five years, Legal Organics may become the new Starbucks.”

“The re-branding of this competition from Business Plan competition to Be Your Own Boss Bowl reflects our drive for continuing strong participation in entrepreneurship throughout Temple,” said M. Moshe Porat, Dean of the Fox School of Business and Management.

— Written by Ann E. Acri

For the Fox School of Business
