9 Interesting Student Organizations
9 organizations/clubs to check out for the beginning of the school year

School has started and you’re all moved in. Now what? Finding new ways to get involved is a good place to start. Nutshell has you covered with 9 interesting organizations to check out before the school year ramps up.
Community Cats Club
Are you a cat person!? Do you want to learn and help provide information about cats to your community? Then look no further than Temple’s Community Cats Club. North Philadelphia has a high stray cat population and this organization aims to inform students about them. Community Cats Club walks students through the basics of taking in a stray cat, which includes information on basic care, flea prevention, and low cost/free vaccinations for their new furry friend! The organization can be reached at templecommunitycatsclub@gmail.com.
Diamond Dogs
You may not be a cat person, but that's OK—there’s also an organization for dog lovers! Students will have the opportunity to visit local animal shelters and get paws-on experience with dogs. Members will engage with dogs and walk and play with them. The club also organizes fundraising events throughout the semester to help support local animal shelters. The organization can be contacted at diamonddogstu@gmail.com.
This organization aims to help end world hunger by 2030 by selling grilled cheese sandwiches to faculty and students. FeelGood raises money for their four worldwide charitable partners: The Hunger Project, Pachamama Alliance, Choice Humanitarian and Water For People. To join the cause, email tufeelgood@gmail.com to get involved.
Insomnia Theater
Channel your inner actor/director and join Insomnia Theater! The goal is to invite students of all majors to come together to create two short comedic plays per semester. Students will take part in a plethora of theatrical endeavors including acting, directing, writing, prop design and more. What makes Insomnia Theater interesting is shows are written, directed, cast, rehearsed, designed, teched, memorized and performed all in one (!) day. If you have no experience, you're still welcome to join. Contact the organization at insomniatheater@gmail.com.
Irish Dance Team
Do you have a passion for dancing? Then the Irish Dance Team is for you! Students will meet twice a week to practice and improve each member’s dancing skills while learning more about the culture of Irish Dance. Once a part of the team, students will perform at various Temple-sponsored events and around the Philadelphia community. The Irish Dance Team also annually competes in Villanova University's Intercollegiate competition and the Philadelphia St. Patrick’s Day Parade. All dancers, ranging from no experience to champion-level competitors, are welcome. The team is open to current students and past graduates of Temple. Get your Irish dance on now and contact the team at templeirishdance@gmail.com.
Let’s Bake and Breathe! Temple University
Nothing like tasty treats and self-care! Let’s Bake and Breathe! Temple University meets every three weeks to do a stress-relieving/baking-based activity, announce future events, and socialize with members. Students are encouraged to contribute ideas and take part in a variety of activities including bake sales, fundraisers, volunteer opportunities, and more! Get baking now. Contact the organization at letsbake.tu@gmail.com.
Temple Formula Racing
Temple Formula Racing provides opportunities for every major! Different majors collaborate together and take on different roles. Engineers design and build the car while business majors handle budgeting, marking, social media and general team operations. Film majors produce content for the team and arts majors work alongside the engineers to create the molds for carbon fiber body panels, design the livery, and do graphic design. If you’re feeling the need for speed contact the organization at Formula@temple.edu.
Temple Roundnet
The sport of Spikeball has been popular at Temple for a while.You can join Temple Roundnet and meet students who also love the game! Don’t know how to play? No worries!. It is played 2 vs. 2, with a taut hula hoop-sized Spikeball net placed between teams. A player starts a point by serving the ball down on the net so it ricochets up at fellow opponents. You then have up to three hits between to control the ball and bounce it back off the net. Spike your friends into next week and contact the organization at temple.spikeball@gmail.com.
Temple University Mock Trial
State your case when you join Temple University Mock Trial. Students play as attorneys or witnesses and create an entire legal case out of the facts and case materials provided by the American Mock Trial Association. Members dress to impress and take that case to tournaments across the East Coast, competing against other top-notch universities. Any major is welcome and encouraged! Tryouts are held only during the first month of the fall semester. To find out more, contact the organization at templemocktrial@gmail.com.
—Matthew Aquino