Posted October 19, 2009

Temple experts provide analysis on Phillies postseason run

As the Philadelphia Phillies compete for their second straight

National League Championship Series, an extended postseason run by the

reigning 2008 World Series champions will have a profound effect on

the greater Philadelphia region.

Temple University professors in Sport and Recreation Management, as

well as the university's Sport Industry Research Center, are available

to give insight on the playoffs and its potential impact on our


R. Aubrey W. Kent

Associate professor and director of the Sport Industry Research Center


Aubrey can discuss job satisfaction in the sport industry, organizational culture of sport, consumer perceptions of corporate philanthropy in the sport industry, sports leagues' brand extensions,event sponsorship and coaching.

Joseph Mahan

Assistant professor

Joe teaches sport marketing courses and has interest and expertise in marketing communications and sport consumers' use of new and emerging technologies.

Emily Sparvero

Assistant professor

Emily's research focuses on how communities can leverage the presence of professional teams to enhance economic development, marketing and social welfare. Specific interests include the ways in which the city's image is developed and communicated to external audiences, as well as opportunities to enhance community self-esteem and cohesiveness as the team progresses in the playoffs.
Contact: 512-970-8593 or

Jeremy S. Jordan

Assistant professor

Jeremy can discuss economic impact, exposure for the city, and fan attitudes and behavior.
