
Nora Newcombe standing in front of a desert landscape
Temple psychology professor inducted into National Academy of Sciences
Type: News Story
Nora Newcombe is now a member of the National Academy of Sciences thanks to her distinguished research.
June 12, 2024
Johanna Jarcho at the Temple University Brain Research and Imaging Center
Swipe left or right: New study examines social anxiety in adolescents
Type: News Story
Johanna Jarcho and her team have been awarded over $3.7 million from the National Institute of Mental Health to study social anxiety in adolescents.
February 28, 2024
Praising effort in toddlers predicts positive attitudes toward challenges
Type: News Story
A study led by Elizabeth Gunderson, assistant professor of psychology at Temple, found that toddlers who receive parental praise directed at their efforts more than they receive personal praise have a more positive approach to challenges five years later.
February 11, 2013
Professor’s new handbook documents findings from military psychology
Type: News Story
Janice H. Laurence, associate professor of adult and organizational development in Temple's College of Education, has collected and co-edited the latest knowledge from the field of military psychology for the Oxford Handbook of Military Psychology. Her work explores the connections between modern warfare and psychology.
January 31, 2012
Babies prefer it when bad guys get their due, study suggests
Type: News Story
A new study co-authored by Temple postdoctoral fellow Neha Mahajan determined that babies embrace nice characters over those who are bad, suggesting an early endorsement of punishment, possibly as a precursor of morality.
January 13, 2012