
Embracing a bright new year together

Dear members of the Temple community, 

As we prepare for the spring semester, I extend my warmest wishes for 2024 to every member of our Temple family. Thank you for the strength and resilience you have demonstrated over the past year. 

In the face of heartbreaking loss, transitions in leadership and a changing higher education landscape, the Temple community persevered, reaching new heights in groundbreaking research, including a broad range of creative work, student achievement, community outreach initiatives and patient care. Our commitment to teaching, research, public service and clinical practice has yielded remarkable results. We take pride in the academic excellence of our university and commend every community member for your dedication to furthering Temple’s work locally, nationally and globally. 

The year ahead brings a renewed sense of hope and opportunity. Like most higher education institutions, we will face new and continued challenges as we navigate a competitive enrollment environment and significant budgetary constraints. Working together, we will develop innovative solutions to ensure our institution’s continued success in support of our students. I am optimistic about our path forward. The upcoming year holds great promise for Temple University, and I am confident we will continue striving for excellence together. 

This spring semester, I encourage each of you to engage actively in the opportunities before us. I am confident that you will embrace the new calendar year with your characteristic determination and enthusiasm, focusing on collaboration, inclusivity and support for one another. Each of us is pivotal in making a difference, and I encourage you to contribute in your own unique way. 

Remember that our strength lies in unity and in our shared commitment to Temple’s distinctive mission. The road ahead will have challenges, but together, we can achieve our goals and make an impact on our communities. Let me close as I always do by thanking you for all you do for this great university and the people we serve. 


Richard M. Englert 