
Allentown Morning Call - May 9, 2010

Media Outlet: 

Allentown Morning Call

Jo Ann Fonzone of Allentown has filed nearly two dozen lawsuits, complaints and appeals in federal and county courts since 1997. Those suits have claimed countless hours from judges, lawyers, clerks and defendants. And because Fonzone doesn't have much money, some have been filed at the expense of counties and the federal government. While some may see those filings as burdensome, they reflect a basic principle of the American justice system, said Mark Rahdert, a professor at Temple's Beasley School of Law. "There is a recognized right of access to courts and it's recognized as one of the basic rights of U.S. citizens," said Rahdert. "I think our system of justice is messy in many ways, but I think we have one of the greatest systems in the world and part of the reason for that is the accessibility."