Pharmacy alumna bequeaths $1 million to help students and faculty

School of Pharmacy alumna Joye Ann Billow, PHR ’66, ’73, has left the school $1 million to endow a student scholarship fund and a faculty development fund, according to Temple University School of Pharmacy Dean Peter Doukas, PHR ’70.
Billow, who passed away in December 2013, was a former faculty member in South Dakota State University’s College of Pharmacy. She earned two degrees from Temple: a bachelor’s in pharmacy in 1966 and a doctorate in medicinal chemistry in 1973.
“We are profoundly moved by this major bequest,” said Doukas, who was one of Billow’s lab mates while both were graduate students at Temple’s School of Pharmacy. “Those of us fortunate enough to have shared time and space with her were privileged to count her as a friend and colleague. We shall always cherish Joye’s memory, informing all who benefit from her generosity about her powerful legacy to her alma mater.”
Doukas said half of the bequest will go to the Joye Ann Billow Endowed Scholarship Fund, which she established in 2008 in memory of her parents, while the other half will endow a development fund for School of Pharmacy faculty.
The dean said he has committed to matching 50 percent of the yield from the endowed faculty development fund with money from other discretionary development funds. Faculty will be able to use these funds to enhance their knowledge by learning a technique or technology or update their skills through practice at a special clinical site.