A roundup of Temple events helping local families for Thanksgiving
Temple University contributed to helping North Philadelphia communities in need by donating meal boxes for families around Thanksgiving.

Each year around Thanksgiving, Temple University takes pride in helping families in need that live in North Philadelphia. Local Philadelphia media outlets, including CBS3 and FOX 29, came out to cover these holiday events.
Temple’s Office of Community Affairs and Engagement and its Police Department distributed holiday meals boxed up for North Philadelphia families during Thanksgiving week. In total, the two Temple organizations packed and delivered over 250 boxes with turkeys and holiday meals for area residents
“It was wonderful to see the Temple community supporting families in North Philadelphia,” says Andrea Swan, director of Temple’s Office of Community Affairs and Engagement. “The donations from our staff and students helped to provide holiday meal boxes and offset holiday costs.”
Also participating in Thanksgiving events were Temple’s College of Public and Health, the Temple Veterans Association, Temple students from Omega Psi Phi fraternity and more.
Here are a few highlights.
Temple’s Office of Community Affairs and Engagement at Beckett Life Center
Temple’s Office of Community Affairs and Engagement partnered with Beckett Life Center to provide Thanksgiving baskets for the residents of Beckett Gardens at 1410 N. 16th St. in Philadelphia on Nov. 17. The Beckett Life Center serves as an anchor for residents and offers year-round programming for youth and adults. Over 50 families received turkeys, pies and side options.
Omega Psi Phi fraternity at Temple University
Temple students of the Omega Delta Delta chapter of Omega Psi Phi fraternity did their part by raising funds to buy Thanksgiving turkeys for North Philadelphia families. The turkeys were passed out to residents at the Norris Homes Community Center at 11th and Berks streets on Nov. 18.
Temple students of the Omega Delta Delta chapter of Omega Psi Phi fraternity raised enough funds to hand out turkeys for families in need around Thanksgiving at the Norris Homes Community Center on Nov. 18. (Photography by Lester Hinton)
Temple’s College of Public Health and Live to Serve
Temple’s College of Public Health collaborated with Live to Serve to provide 100 Thanksgiving food baskets to neighbors. Temple students volunteered to assemble dry food products for the event. The distribution of the Thanksgiving meals occurred outside of the Bell Building from 10 a.m. to noon on Saturday, Nov. 19.
Temple’s Office of Community Affairs and Engagement and Police Department
Temple’s Office of Community Affairs and Engagement partnered with the Temple Police Department to distribute holiday meals to North Philadelphia families and community groups in need on Monday, Nov. 21. Over 250 holiday meals were donated at the Temple Newman Center located at 2129 N. Broad St. in Philadelphia.
Gary Price, a security officer in the Temple Police Department, helped distribute over 250 holiday meals boxed up for North Philadelphia families in need on Nov. 21. (Photography by Ryan S. Brandenberg)
Temple University’s Office of Community Affairs and Berean Presbyterian Church
On Nov. 21, Temple’s Office of Community Affairs and Engagement partnered with the Berean Presbyterian Church to distribute additional turkeys that were boxed up for families at Berean Presbyterian Church located at 2101 N. Broad St. in Philadelphia.
Temple Veterans Association, an organization for student veterans and military-connected students, took up donations for canned goods that benefited the pantry at the Church of the Advocate for Thanksgiving. (Photography courtesy of the Temple Veterans Association)
Temple Veterans Association and Temple’s Military and Veteran Services Center
The Temple Veterans Association, a student organization, in collaboration with Temple’s Military and Veteran Services Center, hosted a nonperishable items and canned food drive in recognition of Military Appreciation Month from Nov. 1 to Nov. 11. The Church of the Advocate was among the list of community entities selected to receive donations collected from various departments throughout the campus community. Donations were dropped off on Friday, Nov. 18.