TUDPS hosts a successful ‘Welcome Wagon’ and announces additional events
Droves of students received free gear at the annual event that is held off campus by Temple University’s Department of Public Safety.

Temple University Police Officer Leroy Wimberly welcomed students at this year’s Welcome Wagon, an annual event hosted by Temple University's Department of Public Safety (TUDPS).
“We hold this event every year because we want all of our students to be aware of all the safety services that we offer,” Wimberly said.
Temple police officers, dispatchers and security officers staffed the Welcome Wagon table to hand out water ice and pretzels to dozens of students walking by.
“Students love the giveaways, and we love to see their faces light up when they correctly answer a question about our safety resources and get to take home free Temple gear,” Wimberly said.
Wimberly also asked students to download the TUSafe app, which connects directly with TUDPS. Last year, there were more than 5,000 TUSafe downloads—a record number of app downloads in one year for Temple.
Temple’s Chief of Police and Vice President for Public Safety Jennifer Griffin said TUSafe offers features such as access to a one-touch panic button, flight maps, safety resources and more. There are also options to interface with TUDPS to request walking escorts. Plus, app users can report a crime tip virtually, and the app has campus maps.
“We are providing resources that students are able to easily use for a variety of needs. The TUSafe app does just that, and we strongly encourage faculty and staff to download and become familiar with the app's functions as well,” Griffin said.
Students are also encouraged to register their phones to receive safety messages from TUalerts, the university’s emergency notification system. Additionally, students can request a walking escort by calling 8-9255 from a campus phone or 215-777-9255 from a cell phone. This program allows students, faculty or staff to be escorted anywhere within Temple University Police Department’s patrol zone by a security or police officer.
In addition to the Welcome Wagon, TUDPS will hold several other events with students throughout the academic year, like the beloved Cookies with Cops. Those events continue to build relationships with students and keep them informed of safety resources while offering a yummy treat.
“Safety is everybody’s responsibility,” Griffin said. “Temple Public Safety wants to keep students informed, so we also encourage the Temple community to follow us on Facebook and Instagram.”
Off campus, TUDPS plans to help coordinate several events to continue building a bridge with the Temple community, including a trunk-or-treat for neighborhood children in October. The following month, TUDPS will hold a turkey giveaway ahead of Thanksgiving. And in December, TUDPS will host its annual holiday party at the Liacouras Center.
Last academic year, TUDPS held 105 outreach events, both on and off campus, engaging with more than 6,000 people.
“The most important thing is that students know that we care and that we’re here to help keep them safe. But Temple University is also a neighbor to many families who have lived here in North Philadelphia for a long time,” Griffin said. “TUDPS’s goal is to host events on campus and within the patrol zone to continue to develop and build relationships between our department and the community.”