Finals week 2024 edition
With exams right around the corner, here are some ways to prepare for the weeks ahead.

And just like that, it’s almost time for finals, Owls!
Unsure of where to start? We’re here to help with tips and tricks to keep you focused through the last few days of the semester!
Know when your final exams are.
It might sound crazy that someone wouldn’t know when their exams or final presentations are, but when your brain is as full as it is right now, it’s not totally unheard of to forget a few things. To get ahead of the curve, review the official examination schedule, so you know exactly how much time you have to cram.
Take advantage of extended hours at the library and TECH Center.
We don’t recommend pulling an all-nighter, but we do know your study schedule during finals week can be irregular, so remember that if the regular hours at Charles Library don’t suit you, the 24/7 study area is open around the clock for you to drop by whenever you’d like!
Also note that during finals week, the TECH Center will be extending its hours of operation, which you can find here.
And, if you’re studying late, make sure to download the TUSafe app for convenient access to ordering a Flight shuttle. Alternatively, you can call for a virtual walking escort to get home safely.
Eat something and acknowledge that drinking coffee doesn’t count as a meal.
Let’s not forget that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, even if you’re busy. While it might slip your mind to grab breakfast after a late night of studying, we have to remember that food is, indeed, fuel. If you’re at the library, you can always stop by Stella’s Cafe for goodies to keep yourself nourished. Oh, and they have coffee, too.
Stay present.
Mindfulness hits pause on the chaos of life and invites moments of calm, so it’s a good thing the Wellness Resource Center hosts monthly guided sessions to practice self-care. Taking place every Tuesday from 12:30–2 p.m., Tuttleman Counseling Services hosts walk-in hours, creating an inviting space to navigate support and ensure your well-being.
Make study breaks part of your routine.
An often forgotten, but crucial study tip: Take breaks. Between tasks, set aside the time to reset and refresh. Get active and release tension by taking a group fitness class with Campus Rec. All upcoming classes can be found via the group fitness exam week schedule! Or, simply schedule a movie night with friends at The Reel to wind down. Whatever a productive break looks like for you, taking the time to do so will only further guarantee your success on finals!
Get a good night’s sleep.
DYK that lowering your body temperature leads to a better night’s sleep? Professor of Psychology Marsha Weinraub explains how to achieve this and lays out other recommendations for a good night’s sleep—which you’ll definitely need before your exams.
And finally, don’t refresh your browser every minute checking for your grades.
After you finish everything up, pat yourself on the back and assume you did well instead of stressing yourself out more waiting for that grade. For peace of mind, know that all final grades must be submitted two days after the last day of finals.
- Avery Bumsted, Class of 2025