College of Engineering

Temple scientists study BP oil spill
Type: In the Media
April 20, 2012
Engineering students have a blast
Type: In the Media
April 20, 2012
Engineering students have a blast with water bottle rockets
Type: News Story
Juniors in a fluids mechanics course taught by Mechanical Engineering Professor Jim Chen turned the recreational field at 11th Street and Montgomery Avenue into Cape Canaveral last week, launching uncooked eggs aboard water and compressed air-powered rockets they designed and built from two-liter plastic soda bottles.
April 23, 2012
Robots, hovercraft highlight Engineers Week exhibit
Type: News Story
Temple's week-long celebration of National Engineers Week concluded with a public demonstration of student and faculty research projects at Amtrak's 30th Street Station. Nearly a dozen students, faculty and staff from the College of Engineering took part in the demo, which was arranged by Professor and Chair of Electrical and Computer Eengineering Joseph Picone.
February 27, 2012
Temple developed sensor could aid tumor detection
Type: In the Media
January 28, 2012
Temple sensor assists in detecting cancerous tumors
Type: In the Media
January 27, 2012
Architecture moves into dedicated building
Type: News Story
The Department of Architecture, which has shared space in the College of Engineering since the 1970s, recently moved into a new dedicated building on 13th Street, creating a win-win for faculty and students in both disciplines. Read more and view video [...]
January 26, 2012
Temple engineer's invention enhances a doctor's touch
Type: In the Media
January 24, 2012
Tactile imaging sensor can assist doctors with early identification of tumors
Type: News Story
A tactile imaging sensor developed by Temple Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Chang-Hee Won can emulate human tactile sensation, which may help doctors get early information about lesions and tumors.
January 18, 2012
Engineering freshmen showcase their skills
Type: In the Media
December 7, 2011
Engineering freshmen use iPads to program and race hovercraft
Type: News Story
Freshmen in the College of Engineering's "Introduction to Engineering" course recently put their skills to the test by racing iPad-controlled hovercrafts they had designed and built during their first semester.
December 8, 2011
Joan Delalic receives Ira Custman award
Type: Announcement
December 6, 2011
Don’t get ‘frosted’ over heating your home this winter
Type: News Story
Now is the time to turn your attention to getting your home prepared to keep you warm this winter, says Mechanical Engineering Professor Steven M. Ridenour.
November 23, 2011
CARAS Program Project Grant Awards fall 2011
Type: Announcement
November 16, 2011
Engineering students launch experiments on NASA rocket
Type: News Story
Nine Temple engineering students who spent the past year designing and building two experiments that were launched June 23 aboard the two-stage solid booster rocket Terrier Orion II were part of RockSat, a NASA and Colorado Space Grant Consortium program that prepares students to design payloads for space flight.
July 5, 2011
Allison Tierney awarded NASA scholarship
Type: Accolade
July 5, 2011
Robot laser tag a hit with electrical engineering campers
Type: News Story
Twenty-seven Delaware Valley high school students got hands-on experience in basic concepts of electrical engineering at Temple this summer in a five-week introductory electrical engineering course taught by electrical and computer engineering Associate Professor John Helferty.
August 11, 2010
Washington Post - January 17-18, 2010
Type: In the Media
January 18, 2010
