
Lewis Katz School of Medicine
A $2.5 million grant will help researchers better predict hospital readmission among patients with diabetes
Type: News Story
The researchers are developing a tool that will accurately determine the 30-day readmission risk among patients who have diabetes.
February 15, 2021
Type 2 diabetes effects on older adults appear minimal
Type: News Story
According to a recent article in the March 2012 issue of the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, Temple researcher Adam Davey has found centenarians diagnosed with diabetes in their 80s living 20 or more years with the condition. The study tested 244 older adults, ages 98 to 108, in 44 counties. It found that 12.5 percent — or 1 in 8 — of the group had type 2 diabetes.
January 31, 2012