Temple in the News
Temple University Health System staged an open house for its third Ready Care facility. It’s located off Old York Road in the Jenkintown area. Rick Mankin, CEO of Temple Physicians Inc., says what...
April 4, 2013
Sequestration has cast a shadow of uncertainty over public funding for medical research. Steven Houser, director of the cardiovascular research center at Temple’s School of Medicine, said he fears...
April 4, 2013
Andrew Arbitell of Phoenixville, an advertising major at Temple, won a recent contest sponsored by Goldenberg's Peanut Chews to write a 10-word billboard slogan. He came up with "Enjoyed when the...
April 4, 2013
Add one more line to Jay-Z’s long and lucrative resume: sports agent. The hip-hop star nabbed New York Yankee second baseman Robinson Cano. Jay-Z taking an interest in baseball could help with an...
April 3, 2013
Welcome to Wall Street at Broad & Cecil. The student-run Owl Fund is now a real money-management operation. In September, students in Temple's William C. Dunkelberg Owl Fund began investing...
April 2, 2013
One school of thought has it that inner-city trees and shrubs make convenient hiding places for criminals. Another, argues that urban foliage may actually reduce crime. Where previous studies have...
April 1, 2013
Despite the fact that most chemotherapeutic agents do not enter the brain in significant amounts, recent research has shown they can produce a number of changes to the central nervous system, such as...
April 1, 2013
The GED test was started in 1942 for military veterans whose education was interrupted by World War II. It allowed thousands to get a credential they could use to go on to college. But some argue...
March 31, 2013
Immigration opponents say that switching to alternative means of custody, such as ankle bracelets, and providing more detainees with lawyers will cause immigrants to linger in the system longer. Jan...
March 31, 2013
As data breaches and cybercrime become a bigger concern for companies, law firms are touting secrecy in their efforts to win business. Companies on the losing-side of data-breach class-action...
March 31, 2013