February 4, 2015
Most people never take time to think about how the lights we use every day are powered by...

January 29, 2015
For Richard, who has been homeless for nearly a year, finding a place to sleep at night is often a...

January 28, 2015
Gregory Anderson, dean of the College of Education, is one of six new deans hired by President Neil...

January 19, 2015
Martin Luther King Jr. once declared that “life’s most persistent and urgent question is ‘What are...

January 15, 2015
Aimee Dietrich’s fourth-grade class at Albert M. Greenfield School in Center...

January 7, 2015
Temple University has been named to the 2014 President’s Higher Education...

December 23, 2014
Prior to her 21st birthday in December, Lorae Bonamy, Class of 2016, stood in her residence hall...

December 5, 2014
As the semester winds down, students across campus are holding late-night cramming sessions,...

October 31, 2014
On Tuesday, Oct. 28, students, faculty and administrators came together for two...

October 24, 2014
On Tuesday, Oct. 21, Temple students, administrators and community partners helped break the local...